uv notes

What is uv I’ve recently started using uv to manage Python projects and packages: many projects at work and the one active package I have on pypi.org (habanero). I don’t really know enough about all the various Python tools similar to uv to give an informed opinion. Rather, this is purely reflections on using uv. uv’s tagline is: An extremely fast Python package and project manager, written in Rust. uv docs and source code. ...

February 20, 2025 · 3 min · Scott Chamberlain

webmockr v2: another day, another stub

webmockr v2 is here. You can find the source at https://github.com/ropensci/webmockr, and the docs at https://docs.ropensci.org/webmockr. There’s some big changes in this version; most importantly a breaking change, thus the major version change this time. Here’s a run down of the important items in this release. Installation pak::pak("webmockr") The breaking change: error handling Previous to v2 when stubs were constructed starting with stub_request() if an error occurred in a pipe chain, or non-pipe flow, the stub created prior to the error remained. This was not correct behavior from a logical perspective - i.e., one would expect if an error occurred that the thing they were trying to do did not stick around. The new behavior as of v2 deletes the stub upon any error during its creation. Under the hood we’re using withCallingHandlers() to handle different types of errors, throw warnings, etc. For example, wi_th() only accepts types list and partial, so fails with this code: ...

February 13, 2025 · 4 min · Scott Chamberlain

Keeping internal function examples alive

While reviewing an R package at work I realized I wasn’t totally sure what advice to give about examples for internal functions in a package. That is, there’s an R package. The package has some exported functions, and some internal functions that are not exported. Internal functions are not loaded when the package loads so the normal flow of running examples under roxygen2 tag @examples doesn’t work (assuming you don’t prevent it from running any of various ways). ...

February 4, 2025 · 3 min · Scott Chamberlai

Notes on A Biology Primer for Computer Scientists

Since most of my education has taken place above the organism level, and since my current job concerns sub-organism processes, I want to get more familiar with those sub-organism things. So I’m reading and taking notes on my blog about the stuff I’m reading. First off is the PDF compiled by Franco Preparata from Brown University called “A Biology Primer for Computer Scientists” at https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs173/papers/bioprimer.pdf section 1 life is defined as being able to replicate, and that’s possible with DNA section 2 chemical composition chemical makeup of life is largely composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. molecules have different binding strengths and therefore different energy levels to break them molecules are held together by many types of bonds, one of which is the covalent bond an agent that aids a chemical reaction is a catalyst; a biological catalyst is an enzyme an enzyme itself is a molecule; and enzyme has a specific shape that matches a specific reagent it will catalyze building blocks of living organisms are biomolecules; basic ones are sugars, fatty acids, amino acids, and nucleotides. two important types of sugars are ribose and deoxyribose amino acids are particularly important, of which there are 20 types amino acids make up proteins; polysaccharides made of large carbohydrates; section 3 nucleic acids building blocks of nucleic acids are nucleotides a nucleotide is made up of three components: a base B, a sugar S and a phosphoric acid P. there’s 8 different nucleotide types (G, A, C, and T in DNA, and G, A, C, U in RNA) the S sugar of each nucleotide is called ribose; nucleotides polymerize as nucleic acids, either DNA or RNA DNA Is double stranded; RNA Is single stranded in DNA the two strands orient opposite directions with 5’ to 3’ and the other strand going 3’ to 5' in DNA, each strand has nucleic acids that bind to the complementary nucleic acid in the other strand section 4 fundamental cell processes three major processes occur in the cell: DNA replication, DNA-RNA transcription and RNA-protein translation. section 5 DNA replication DNA replication is the process by which a double-stranded DNA sequences produces two double-stranded sequences identical to the original one replication always proceeds from the 5’ end to the 3’ end - therefore goes in opposite directions in each strand (leading strand is 5’-3’, lagging strand is 3’-5') DNA polymerases facilitate the replication For the leading strand a string of about 200 bases indicates where to start For the lagging strand each Okazaki fragment is initiated by an RNA string synthesized by a specific enzyme section 6 DNA-RNA transcription transcription only uses the so called “genomic” strand, the one that goes from 5’ to 3' machinery that does transcription is called RNA-polymerase. it separates two DNA strands along a short area and transcription occurs along the short exposed strand, and DNA strands rejoin as the process proceeds In DNA replication, DNA is replicated in its entirety, whereas transcription is selective both in space (only certain substrings of DNA are transcribed) and time (depending on environment). Different types of RNA: mRNA (messenger; involved in RNA-protein translation), rRNA (ribosomal; participate in the structure of the ribosome), tRNA (transfer; assume a rigid 3d configuration acting as linkages between mRNA and protein chains), snRNA (small nuclear; excision of introns and splicing of exons) section 7 RNA-protein translation aka Protein synthesis DNA is segmented into triplets of nucleotides; each triplet == codon; each codon is individually translated into an amino acid there are 64 codons there are 20 amino acids (so each amino acid is encoded by more than 1 codon) translation occurs in the ribosome. ribosome can be compared to a tape reader (an mRNA sequence) that also produces an output tape (a protein). tRNA is also required (and are specific to a codon/amino acid pair?) section 8 protein structure proteins are polymers (polypeptides) amino acids fully specify a protein, BUT it is its spatial arrangement that determines its function how polypeptides fold is not fully understood protein structure levels primary: the linear sequence of amino acids secondary: local folding patterns such as alpha helices and beta sheets tertiary: complete 3D shape of a single polypeptide chain quaternary: arrangement of multiple polypeptide subunits within a protein complex

January 7, 2025 · 4 min · Scott Chamberlain

cowsay v1

cowsay is a command line program written in Perl. The original version had a final release in 2016 (that’s the version of many installed cowsay programs) and there’s a number of forks of that release in Perl. There are also many many versions of cowsay in other programming languages, like the one I maintain written in R, unimaginatively called cowsay. I wrote about cowsay here back in 2014. I didn’t think this would ever be 300+ stars popular, but here we are. Given that people seem to actually use it - or at least star it - seems worth putting some more time into it. ...

December 9, 2024 · 4 min · Scott Chamberlain

Software rules and Quarto

At work I’ve been using Quarto quite a bit for website and books for work projects. One of the projects I’ve been working on lately that uses Quarto is the WILDS Contributor Guide (WILDS = Workflows Integrating Large Data and Software). This guide (a Quarto book) is mostly a guide for our own immediate team members, but aims to a) be a guide for any contributors to our open source software work, and b) demonstrate good open source software practices for the greater Fred Hutch community where we work. ...

September 26, 2024 · 4 min · Scott Chamberlain

Refactoring notes

I worked on a refactor of an R package at work the other day. Here’s some notes about that after doing the work. This IS NOT a best practices post - it’s just a collection of thoughts. For context, the package is an API client. It made sense to break the work for any given exported function into the following components, as applicable depending on the endpoint being handled (some endpoints needed just a few lines of code, so those funtions were left unchanged): ...

March 20, 2024 · 3 min · Scott Chamberlain

Moved to Hugo

This blog is now using Hugo. Important - if you subscribe to the RSS for this blog you likely have to delete/remove the old one and add the new RSS link. It is: https://recology.info/index.xml

March 20, 2024 · 1 min · Scott Chamberlain

Shiny file inputs

I wrote the other day about overcoming an issue with Shiny. Another issue I ran into concurrently was about file inputs. The issue was that file inputs (i.e., shiny::fileInput) was difficult to clear. That is, after a user uploads a file, it was easy to get some of the various parts cleared/cleaned up, but not others: (Not Easy) The UI components of fileInput (the text of the file name, the loading display) (Not Easy) The data behind the fileInput handler (Easy) Displaying some feedback in the UI after handling file input Load libraries ...

March 8, 2024 · 3 min · Scott Chamberlain

Shiny button weirdness

I’ve been working on Shiny app at work for the past few months. One of the many frustrating things about Shiny lately has been around buttons. Well, it wasn’t really about buttons, but that’s where it started. Load libraries library(shiny) library(bslib) library(crul) Helper function, returned a random UUID from an httpbin server httpbin_uuid <- function(...) { con <- crul::HttpClient$new("https://hb.opencpu.org") res <- con$get("uuid") jsonlite::fromJSON(res$parse("UTF-8"))$uuid } A bslib ui component ui <- page_sidebar( title = "My dashboard", sidebar = list( actionButton("submit", "Submit"), actionButton("reset", "Reset") ), textInput(inputId = "name", "Your name"), textOutput("uuid") ) Here’s the server part that was giving me trouble. As I said this was an inherited repo, and the server side handling for many buttons was done with eventReactive as below. Using eventReactive meant that button clicks only sometimes triggered the server side code. ...

March 4, 2024 · 2 min