GBIDS API is back
Back in March this year I wrote a post about a new API for working with GenBank IDs.
I had to take the API down because it was too expensive to keep up. Expensive because the dump of data is very large (3.8 GB compressed), and I need disk space on the server to uncompress that to I think about 18 GB, then load into MySQL, which is another maybe 30 GB or so. Anyway, it’s not expensive because of high traffic - although I wish that was the case - but because of needing lots of disk space.
I was fortuntate to recently receive some Amazon Cloud Credits for Research. The credits expire in 1 year. With these credits, I’ve put the GBIDS API back up. In the next year I’m hoping to gain user traction suggesting that’s is useful to enough people to keep maintaining - in which case I’ll seek ways to fund it.
But that means I need people to use it! So please to give it a try. Let me know what could be better; what could be faster; what API routes/features/etc. you’d like to see.
Plans for the future of the GBIDS API:
- Auto-update the Genbank data. This is quite complicated since the dump is so large. I can either keep an EC2 attached disc large enough to do the dump download/expansion/load/etc, or spin up a new instance each Sunday when they do their data release, do the SQL load, make a dump, then shuttle the SQL dump to the instance running, then load in the new data from the dump. I haven’t got this bit running yet, so data is from Aug 7. 2016.
- Add taxonomic IDs. Genbank also dumps their taxonomic IDs. I think it should be possible to get taxonomic IDs into the API, so that users can do accession number to taxon IDs and vice versa.
- Performance: as anyone would want, I want to continually improve performance. I’ll watch out for things I can do, but also let me know what seems too slow.
- API base url:
- API docs: - Let me know if these could be improved
- API status page: - I update this page whenever there’s some down time, then when it’s back up, etc.
- API source code: - You can file issues here about the API
Try it
Get 5 accession numbers
curl '' | jq .
#> {
#> "matched": 692006925,
#> "returned": 5,
#> "data": [
#> "A00002",
#> "A00003",
#> "X17276",
#> "X60065",
#> "CAA42669"
#> ],
#> "error": null
#> }
Request to match accession identifiers, some exist, while some do not
curl ',AACY024124483,asdfd,asdf,AACY024124476' | jq .
#> {
#> "matched": 3,
#> "returned": 5,
#> "data": {
#> "AACY024124486": true,
#> "AACY024124483": true,
#> "asdfd": false,
#> "asdf": false,
#> "AACY024124476": true
#> },
#> "error": null
#> }
There’s many more examples in the API docs