Engaging the public on climate change through phenology data

ScienceOnline Climate I recently attended ScienceOnline Climate, a conference in Washington, D.C. at AAAS offices. You may have heard of the ScienceOnline annual meeting in North Carolina - this was one of their topical meetings focused on Climate Change. Another one is coming up in October, ScienceOnline Oceans. Search Twitter for #scioClimate (or the entire list of hashtags here) for tweets from the conference. One of the sessions I attended was focused on how to democratize climate change knowledge, moderated by a fellow from the Union of Concerned Scientists. Search Twitter for #sciodemocracy to see the conversation from that session. There was a lot of very interesting discussion. ...

August 18, 2013 · 3 min · Scott Chamberlain

Working with climate data from the web in R

I recently attended ScienceOnline Climate, a conference in Washington, D.C. at AAAS. You may have heard of the ScienceOnline annual meeting in North Carolina - this was one of their topical meetings focused on Climate Change. I moderated a session on working with data from the web in R, focusing on climate data. Search Twitter for #scioClimate for tweets from the conference, and #sciordata for tweets from the session I ran. The following is an abbreviated demo of what I did in the workshop showing some of what you can do with climate data in R using our packages. ...

August 17, 2013 · 5 min · Scott Chamberlain