discgolf - Dicourse from R

Discourse is a great discussion forum application. It’s another thing from Jeff Atwood, the co-founder of Stackoverflow/Stackexchange. The installation is epecially easy with their dockerized installation setup on DigitalOcean ([instructions here][https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-discourse-on-ubuntu-14-04]). In rOpenSci, we’ve been using a Google Groups mailing list, which is sufficient I guess, but doesn’t support Markdown, and we all know Google can kill products any day, so it makes sense to use something with which we have more control. We’ve set up our own Discourse installation to have rOpenSci discussions - find it at discuss.ropensci.org. Check it out if you want to discuss anything rOpenSci related, or general open science, open source software, etc. You can login with email, Mozilla Persona, Twitter, or GitHub. ...

January 15, 2015 · 4 min · Scott Chamberlain