PUT dataframes on your couch

It would be nice to easily push each row or column of a data.frame into CouchDB instead of having to prepare them yourself into JSON, then push in to couch. I recently added ability to push data.frame’s into couch using the normal PUT /{db} method, and added support for the couch bulk API. Install install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("sckott/sofa") library("sofa") PUT /db You can write directly from a data.frame, either by rows or columns. First, rows: ...

March 12, 2015 · 3 min · Scott Chamberlain

sofa - reboot

I’ve reworked sofa recently after someone reported a bug in the package. Since the last post on this package on 2013-06-21, there’s a bunch of changes: Removed the sofa_ prefix from all functions as it wasn’t really necessary. Replaced rjson/RJSONIO with jsonlite for JSON I/O. New functions: revisions() - to get the revision numbers for a document. uuids() - get any number of UUIDs - e.g., if you want to set document IDs with UUIDs Most functions that deal with documents are prefixed with doc_ Functions that deal with databases are prefixed with db_ Simplified all code, reducing duplication All functions take cushion as the first parameter, for consistency sake. Changed cushion() function so that you can only register one cushion with each function call, and the function takes parameters for each element now, name (name of the cushion, whatever you want), user (user name, if applicable), pwd (password, if applicable), type (one of localhost, cloudant, or iriscouch), and port (if applicable). Changed package license from CC0 to MIT There’s still more to do, but I’m pretty happy with the recent changes, and I hope at least some find the package useful. Also, would love people to try it out as all bugs are shallow and all that… ...

November 18, 2014 · 5 min · Scott Chamberlain

Stashing and playing with raw data locally from the web

It is getting easier to get data directly into R from the web. Often R packages that retrieve data from the web return useful R data structures to users like a data.frame. This is a good thing of course to make things user friendly. However, what if you want to drill down into the data that’s returned from a query to a database in R? What if you want to get that nice data.frame in R, but you think you may want to look at the raw data later? The raw data from web queries are often JSON or XML data. This type of data, especially JSON, can be easily stored in schemaless so-called NoSQL databases, and queried later. ...

June 17, 2013 · 7 min · Scott Chamberlain