Coffeehouse - an aggregator for blog posts about data, data management, etc.
Have you heard of DataONE? It stands for the Data Observation Network for Earth, and I am involved in the Community Education and Engagement working group at DataONE. We try to communicate about data, data management, and similar things to scientists and other DataONE stakeholders. At our last meeting, we decided to start a blog aggregator to pull in to one place blog posts about data, data management, and related topics. Those reading this blog have likely heard of R-Bloggers - and there are many more aggregator blogs. We are calling this blog aggregator Coffeehouse - as it’s sort of a place to gather to talk/read about ideas. Check it out here. If you blog about data management think about adding your blog to Coffeehouse - go to the Add your blog page to do so. A screenshot: ...