gbifrb: Ruby client for the GBIF API
gbifrb is a new Ruby client for the GBIF API. docs: rubygems: code: I maintain (w/ help) two other GBIF API clients: Python: pygbif R: rgbif API Here’s the gbifrb methods in relation to GBIF API routes registry /node - Gbif::Registry.nodes /network - Gbif::Registry.networks /installations - Gbif::Registry.installations /organizations - Gbif::Registry.organizations /dataset_metrics - Gbif::Registry.dataset_metrics /datasets - Gbif::Registry.datasets /dataset_suggest - Gbif::Registry.dataset_suggest /dataset_search - Gbif::Registry.dataset_search species /species/match - Gbif::Species.name_backbone /species/suggest - Gbif::Species.name_suggest /species/search - Gbif::Species.name_lookup /species - Gbif::Species.name_usage occurrences ...