rOpenSci won 3rd place in the PLoS-Mendeley Binary Battle!

I am part of the rOpenSci development team (along with Carl Boettiger, Karthik Ram, and Nick Fabina). Our website: Code at Github: We entered two of our R packages for integrating with PLoS Journals (rplos) and Mendeley (RMendeley) in the Mendeley-PLoS Binary Battle. Get them at GitHub (rplos; RMendeley). These two packages allow users (from R! of course) to search and retrieve data from PLoS journals (including their altmetrics data), and from Mendeley. You could surely mash up data from both PLoS and Mendeley. That’s what’s cool about rOpenSci - we provide the tools, and leave it up to users vast creativity to do awesome things. 3rd place gives us a $1,000 prize, plus a Parrot AR Drone helicopter. ...

November 30, 2011 · 1 min · Scott Chamberlain

My talk on doing phylogenetics in R

I gave a talk today on doing very basic phylogenetics in R, including getting sequence data, aligning sequence data, plotting trees, doing trait evolution stuff, etc. Please comment if you have code for doing bayesian phylogenetic inference in R. I know phyloch has function mrbayes, but can’t get it to work… Phylogenetics in R View more presentations from schamber

November 18, 2011 · 1 min · Scott Chamberlain

Two new rOpenSci R packages are on CRAN

Carl Boettiger, a graduate student at UC Davis, just got two packages on CRAN. One is treebase, which which handshakes with the Treebase API. The other is rfishbase, which connects with the Fishbase, although I believe just scrapes XML content as there is no API. See development on GitHub for treebase here, and for rfishbase here. Carl has some tutorials on treebase and rfishbase at his website here, and we have an official rOpenSci tutorial for treebase here. Basically, these two R packages let you search and pull down data from Treebase and Fishbase - pretty awesome. This improves workflow, and puts your data search and acquisition component into your code, instead of being a bunch of mouse clicks in a browser. ...

October 27, 2011 · 1 min · Scott Chamberlain