My talk on doing phylogenetics in R

I gave a talk today on doing very basic phylogenetics in R, including getting sequence data, aligning sequence data, plotting trees, doing trait evolution stuff, etc. Please comment if you have code for doing bayesian phylogenetic inference in R. I know phyloch has function mrbayes, but can’t get it to work… Phylogenetics in R View more presentations from schamber

November 18, 2011 · 1 min · Scott Chamberlain

Adjust branch lengths with node ages: comparison of two methods

Here is an approach for comparing two methods of adjusting branch lengths on trees: bladj in the program Phylocom and a fxn written by Gene Hunt at the Smithsonian. Get the code and example files (tree and node ages) at Get phylocom at Gene Hunt’s method has many options you can mess with, including setting tip ages (not available in bladj), setting node ages, and minimum branch length imposed....

April 10, 2011 · 2 min · Scott Chamberlain