Recent R packages for ecology and evolution
Many R packages/tools have come out recently for doing ecology and evolution. All of the below were described in Methods in Ecology and Evolution, except for spider, which came out in Molecular Ecology Resources. Here are some highlights. mvabund paper - get R pkg Model-based analysis of multivariate abundance data. Visualising data, fitting predictive models, checking assumptions, hypothesis testing. popdemo paper - get R pkg Population demography using projection matrix analysis. motmot paper - get R pkg Models of trait macroevolution on trees spider paper - get R pkg Analysis of species identity and evolution, with particular reference to DNA barcoding BaSTA paper - get R pkg Bayesian estimation of age-specific survival from incomplete mark–recapture/recovery data with covariates abc paper - get R pkg Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) RNetLogo paper - get R pkg Running and exploring individual-based models implemented in NetLogo phytools paper - get R pkg Tools for phylogenetic comparative biology smatr paper - get R pkg Estimation and inference about allometric lines RBrownie paper - get R pkg ? Testing hypotheses about rates of evolutionary change polytomy resolver paper - get R pkg Resolve polytomies on dated phylogenies with their R scripts [here][]. And a cool tool came out for the Python programming language. ...