Jekyll - an intro

I started using Jekyll when I didn’t really know HTML, CSS, or Ruby - so I’ve had to learn a lot - but using Jekyll has been a great learning experience for all those languages. I’ve tried to boil down steps to building a Jekyll site or blog to the minimal steps: Install Jekyll Mac/Linux/Unix: Install dependencies: Ruby RubyGems Install Jekyll using RubyGems gem install jekyll (you may need to do sudo...) If you’re having trouble installing, see the troubleshooting page. Windows: Jekyll doesn’t officially support installation on Windows - follow these steps for a Windows install. ...

November 20, 2013 · 3 min · Scott Chamberlain

Taxonomy data from the web in three languages

Eduard Szöcs and I started developing a taxonomic toolbelt for the R language a while back , which lets you interact with a multitude of taxonomic databases on the web. We have a paper in F1000Research if you want to find out more (see here). I thought it would be fun to rewrite some of taxize in other languages to learn more languages. Ruby and Python made the most sense to try. I did try others (Julia, Node), but gave up on those for now. The goal here isn’t to port taxize to Python and Ruby right now - it’s for me to learn myself some coding. ...

September 27, 2013 · 2 min · Scott Chamberlain