UPDATE: Yeah, so the treeresstats function had a problem in one of the calculations. I fixed that and added some more calulcations to the function.

I couldn’t find any functions to calculate number of polytomies, and related metrics.

Here’s a simple function that gives four metrics on a phylo tree object:

# calculate tree resolution stats
treeresstats <- function(x) {
  require(phangorn) # load the phangorn package
  todo <- ( 1+Ntip(x)) : (Ntip(x) + Nnode(x) )
  trsize_tips <- Ntip(x)
  trsize_nodes <- Nnode(x)
  polytomyvec <- sapply(todo, function(y) length(Children(x, y)))
  numpolys <- length(polytomyvec[polytomyvec > 2])
  numpolysbytrsize_tips <- numpolys/trsize_tips
  numpolysbytrsize_nodes <- numpolys/trsize_nodes
  proptipsdescpoly <- sum(polytomyvec[polytomyvec > 2])/trsize_tips
  propnodesdich <- length(polytomyvec[polytomyvec == 2])/trsize_nodes
  list(trsize_tips = trsize_tips, trsize_nodes = trsize_nodes, 
       numpolys = numpolys, numpolysbytrsize_tips = numpolysbytrsize_tips,
       numpolysbytrsize_nodes = numpolysbytrsize_nodes,
       proptipsdescpoly = proptipsdescpoly, propnodesdich = propnodesdich)

# Single tree example
tree <- read.tree(text="((((((artemisia_species:44,lactuca_species:44,senecio_species:44)6:46,campanula_species:90)5:17.75,((asclepias_species:71,galium_species:71)8:18.375,plantago_species:89.375)7:18.375)4:17.75,((cerastium_species:41.833332,silene_species:41.833332)10:41.833332,chenopodium_species:83.666664)9:41.833336)3:17.75,((geum_species:47,potentilla_species:47)12:48.125,lepidium_species:95.125)11:48.125)2:17.75,(bromus_species:12,elymus_species:12)13:149)1;")

dat <- treeresstats(tree)


# Many trees example
maketrees <- function(numtrees) {
  require(ape); require(plyr)
  trees <- rmtree(numtrees, 20)
  llply(trees, di2multi, tol = 0.5)
trees <- maketrees(30)
dat <- ldply(trees, function(x) data.frame(treeresstats(x)))

Here’s output from the gist above:

[1] 15

[1] 13

[1] 1

[1] 0.06666667

[1] 0.07692308

[1] 0.2

[1] 0.9230769

And an example with many trees:

trsize_tips trsize_nodes numpolys numpolysbytrsize_tips numpolysbytrsize_nodes proptipsdescpoly propnodesdich
20 13 4 0.20 0.31 0.7 0.69
20 7 3 0.15 0.43 0.9 0.57
20 11 6 0.30 0.55 1.0 0.45
20 13 4 0.20 0.31 0.7 0.69
20 9 5 0.25 0.56 1.0 0.44