With the help of user input, I’ve tweaked solr just a bit to make things faster using default setings. I imagine the main interface for people using the solr R client is via solr_search(), which used to have wt=json by default. Changing this to wt=csv gives better performance. And it sorta makes sense to use csv, as the point of using an R client is probably do get data eventually into a data.frame, so it makes sense to go csv format (Already in tabular format) if it’s faster too.


Install and load solr



Define base url and fields to return

url <- 'https://api.plos.org/search'
fields <- c('id','cross_published_journal_name','cross_published_journal_key',


The previous default for solr_search() used json

solr_search(q='*:*', rows=10, fl=fields, base=url, wt = "json")
#> Source: local data frame [10 x 19]
#>                                                                    id
#> 1             10.1371/annotation/856f0890-9d85-4719-8e54-c27530ac94f4
#> 2       10.1371/annotation/856f0890-9d85-4719-8e54-c27530ac94f4/title
#> 3    10.1371/annotation/856f0890-9d85-4719-8e54-c27530ac94f4/abstract
#> 4  10.1371/annotation/856f0890-9d85-4719-8e54-c27530ac94f4/references
#> 5        10.1371/annotation/856f0890-9d85-4719-8e54-c27530ac94f4/body
#> 6             10.1371/annotation/8551e3d5-fdd5-413b-a253-170ba13b7525
#> 7       10.1371/annotation/8551e3d5-fdd5-413b-a253-170ba13b7525/title
#> 8    10.1371/annotation/8551e3d5-fdd5-413b-a253-170ba13b7525/abstract
#> 9  10.1371/annotation/8551e3d5-fdd5-413b-a253-170ba13b7525/references
#> 10       10.1371/annotation/8551e3d5-fdd5-413b-a253-170ba13b7525/body
#> Variables not shown: cross_published_journal_name (chr),
#>   cross_published_journal_key (chr), cross_published_journal_eissn (chr),
#>   pmid (chr), pmcid (chr), publisher (chr), journal (chr),
#>   publication_date (chr), article_type (chr), article_type_facet (chr),
#>   author (chr), author_facet (chr), volume (int), issue (int),
#>   elocation_id (chr), author_display (chr), competing_interest (chr),
#>   copyright (chr)


The default wt setting is now csv

solr_search(q='*:*', rows=10, fl=fields, base=url, wt = "json")
#> Source: local data frame [10 x 19]
#>                                                                    id
#> 1             10.1371/annotation/856f0890-9d85-4719-8e54-c27530ac94f4
#> 2       10.1371/annotation/856f0890-9d85-4719-8e54-c27530ac94f4/title
#> 3    10.1371/annotation/856f0890-9d85-4719-8e54-c27530ac94f4/abstract
#> 4  10.1371/annotation/856f0890-9d85-4719-8e54-c27530ac94f4/references
#> 5        10.1371/annotation/856f0890-9d85-4719-8e54-c27530ac94f4/body
#> 6             10.1371/annotation/8551e3d5-fdd5-413b-a253-170ba13b7525
#> 7       10.1371/annotation/8551e3d5-fdd5-413b-a253-170ba13b7525/title
#> 8    10.1371/annotation/8551e3d5-fdd5-413b-a253-170ba13b7525/abstract
#> 9  10.1371/annotation/8551e3d5-fdd5-413b-a253-170ba13b7525/references
#> 10       10.1371/annotation/8551e3d5-fdd5-413b-a253-170ba13b7525/body
#> Variables not shown: cross_published_journal_name (chr),
#>   cross_published_journal_key (chr), cross_published_journal_eissn (chr),
#>   pmid (chr), pmcid (chr), publisher (chr), journal (chr),
#>   publication_date (chr), article_type (chr), article_type_facet (chr),
#>   author (chr), author_facet (chr), volume (int), issue (int),
#>   elocation_id (chr), author_display (chr), competing_interest (chr),
#>   copyright (chr)

Compare times

When parsing to a data.frame (which solr_search() does by default), csv is quite a bit faster.

  json = solr_search(q='*:*', rows=500, fl=fields, base=url, wt = "json", verbose = FALSE),
  csv = solr_search(q='*:*', rows=500, fl=fields, base=url, wt = "csv", verbose = FALSE), 
  times = 20
#> Unit: milliseconds
#>  expr      min       lq      mean    median        uq       max neval cld
#>  json 965.7043 1013.014 1124.1229 1086.3225 1227.9054 1441.8332    20   b
#>   csv 509.6573  520.089  541.5784  532.4546  548.0303  723.7575    20  a

json vs xml vs csv

When getting raw data, csv is best, json next, then xml pulling up the rear.

  json = solr_search(q='*:*', rows=1000, fl=fields, base=url, wt = "json", verbose = FALSE, raw = TRUE),
  csv = solr_search(q='*:*', rows=1000, fl=fields, base=url, wt = "csv", verbose = FALSE, raw = TRUE),
  xml = solr_search(q='*:*', rows=1000, fl=fields, base=url, wt = "xml", verbose = FALSE, raw = TRUE),
  times = 10
#> Unit: milliseconds
#>  expr       min       lq      mean    median        uq       max neval cld
#>  json 1110.9515 1142.478 1198.9981 1169.0808 1195.5709 1518.7412    10  b 
#>   csv  801.6871  802.516  826.0655  819.1532  835.0512  873.4266    10 a  
#>   xml 1507.1111 1554.002 1618.5963 1617.5208 1671.0026 1740.4448    10   c


Note that wt=csv is only available in solr_search() and solr_all() because csv writer only returns the docs element in csv, dropping other elements, including facets, mlt, groups, stats, etc.

Also, note the http client used in solr is httr, which passes in a gzip compression header by default, so as long as the server serving up the Solr data has compression turned on, that’s all set.

Another way I’ve sped things up is if you use wt=json then parse to a data.frame, it uses dplyr which sped things up considerably.