hoardr is a client for caching files and managing those files.

You can definitely achieve the same tasks without a separate pacakge, and there’s a number of packages for caching various objects in R already. However, I didn’t think there was a tool for that did everything I needed.

The use cases I typically need hoardr for are when dealing with large files, either text (e.g., csv) or binary (e.g., shp) files that would be nice to not make the user of packages I maintain download again if they already have the file. This makes the server’s life easier that’s serving the files and makes work faster for the user of my package.

Given the existence of the awesome R6, hoardr becomes simple to use inside of other packages. Namely, hoardr can export just a single object that another package has to import, then we can call methods on that object, instead of having to import loads of functions.




Dev version


Package API

There’s only a single exported object: hoard. This is a normal function, although is a lite wrapper around the R6 class HoardClient, which contains all the smarts.

Example usage

Initialze an object

(x <- hoard())
#> <hoard> 
#>   path: 
#>   cache path: /var/folders/gs/4khph0xs0436gmd2gdnwsg080000gn/T//RtmpPITEm6/R/foobar

After making the object with hoardr(), it’s good to set a cache path. Here, we’ll use a temporary directoy, which we can set by doing type = "tempdir"

x$cache_path_set(path = "foobar", type = 'tempdir')
#> [1] "/var/folders/gs/4khph0xs0436gmd2gdnwsg080000gn/T//RtmpPITEm6/R/foobar"

Now our cache path is set to a temp dir

#> <hoard> 
#>   path: foobar
#>   cache path: /var/folders/gs/4khph0xs0436gmd2gdnwsg080000gn/T//RtmpPITEm6/R/foobar

And we can request the base cache path as well

#> [1] "/var/folders/gs/4khph0xs0436gmd2gdnwsg080000gn/T//RtmpPITEm6/R/foobar"

The next thing you’ll likely want to do is create that base directory since setting the path doesn’t create the directory:


What files are in the directory (hint: there shouldn’t be any):

#> character(0)

Let’s put a file in the cache

cat(1:10000L, file = file.path(x$cache_path_get(), "foo.txt"))

Now see what’s in there

#> [1] "/var/folders/gs/4khph0xs0436gmd2gdnwsg080000gn/T//RtmpPITEm6/R/foobar/foo.txt"

While list() method lists full file paths, we can get more details with the details() method:

#> <cached files>
#>   directory: /var/folders/gs/4khph0xs0436gmd2gdnwsg080000gn/T//RtmpPITEm6/R/foobar
#>   file: /foo.txt
#>   size: 0.049 mb

You can delete files by name:

#> character(0)

As well as delete all files:

cat("one\ntwo\nthree", file = file.path(x$cache_path_get(), "foo.txt"))
cat("asdfasdf asd fasdf", file = file.path(x$cache_path_get(), "bar.txt"))
#> [1] "/var/folders/gs/4khph0xs0436gmd2gdnwsg080000gn/T//RtmpPITEm6/R/foobar/bar.txt"
#> [2] "/var/folders/gs/4khph0xs0436gmd2gdnwsg080000gn/T//RtmpPITEm6/R/foobar/foo.txt"
#> character(0)

There’s also methods for compressing and uncompressing all the files in your cache:

cat("one\ntwo\nthree", file = file.path(x$cache_path_get(), "foo.txt"))
cat("asdfasdf asd fasdf", file = file.path(x$cache_path_get(), "bar.txt"))
#> [1] "/var/folders/gs/4khph0xs0436gmd2gdnwsg080000gn/T//RtmpPITEm6/R/foobar/compress.zip"
#> [1] "/var/folders/gs/4khph0xs0436gmd2gdnwsg080000gn/T//RtmpPITEm6/R/foobar/bar.txt"
#> [2] "/var/folders/gs/4khph0xs0436gmd2gdnwsg080000gn/T//RtmpPITEm6/R/foobar/foo.txt"

How to use in a package

I already use hoardr in five R packages I maintain: crminer, rdpla, rerddap, rnoaa, and taxizedb. I’m planning to use it in many more packages, especially as it gets more stable.

This is how I use hoardr in packages.

  • list hoardr in your Imports in your DESCRIPTION file
  • make on .onLoad method in your package, with the following content (as an example):
cache <- NULL
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname){
  x <- hoardr::hoard()
  x$cache_path_set("<your package name>")
  cache <<- x

Then when the package is loaded, you have a cache object that you can then use to manage cached files.

  • Use cache$mkdir() to make the directory
  • Probably use cache$cache_path_get() in combination with e.g., file.path() to make file paths for files you need to cache
  • Write files as needed
  • If you need to delete files you can use delete() method to delete by name, or use unlink() on the complete file path, or you can delet_all() if you need to delete all files.
  • If you need to do compression compress/uncompress are available - may be a nice thing to do for users so files are taking up less disk space.
  • Add a manual file with a description of the various methods available and example usage, e.g, https://github.com/ropensci/crminer/blob/master/R/caching.R
  • The cache object created above is also available to the user of your package so that they can manage files themselves as well - but of course you can choose not to export the cache object with methods to the user.