analogsea - an R client for the Digital Ocean API

analogsea is now on CRAN. We started developing the pkg back in May 2014, but just now getting the first version on CRAN. It’s a collaboration with Hadley and Winston Chang. Most of analogsea package is for interacting with the Digital Ocean API, including: Manage domains Manage ssh keys Get actions Manage images Manage droplets (servers) A number of convenience functions are included for doing tasks (e.g., resizing a droplet) that aren’t supported by Digital Ocean’s API out of the box (i.e., there’s no API route for it). ...

October 2, 2015 · 2 min · Scott Chamberlain

analogsea - v0.1 notes

My last blog post introduced the R package I’m working on analogsea, an R client for the Digital Ocean API. Things have changed a bit, including fillig out more functions for all API endpoints, and incorparting feedback from Hadley and Karthik. The package is as v0.1 now, so I thought I’d say a few things about how it works. Note that Digital Ocean’s v2 API is in beta stage now, so the current version of analogsea at v0.1 works with their v1 API. The v2 branch of analogsea is being developed for their v2 API. ...

June 18, 2014 · 5 min · Scott Chamberlain

analogsea - an R client for the Digital Ocean API

I think this package name is my best yet. Maybe it doesn’t make sense though? At least it did at the time… Anyway, the main motivation for this package was to be able to automate spinning up Linux boxes to do cloud R/RStudio work. Of course if you are a command line native this is all easy for you, but if you are afraid of the command line and/or just don’t want to deal with it, this tool will hopefully help. ...

May 28, 2014 · 5 min · Scott Chamberlain