CRAN Checks API and Badges

TL;DR In 6 months (end of November 2022) the CRAN Checks API will be gone You can still get badges at You can use the new badges like: [![cran checks](]( Find more details at Sunsetting the CRAN Checks API If you contribute an R package to CRAN, you may use badges from the CRAN checks API at The CRAN Checks API has been operating since about September 2017 (I think). The API has a number of routes, but really people only use the badges. ...

June 2, 2022 · 2 min · Scott Chamberlain

cranchecks: an API for CRAN check results

If you maintain an R package, or even use R packages, you may have looked at CRAN check results. These are essentially the results of running R CMD CHECK on a package. They do these for each package for each of a few different operating systems (debian, fedora, solaris, windows, osx) and different R versions (devel, release and patched). src: base api url: CRAN maintainers look at these, and eventually will email maintainers if checks are bad enough. ...

September 27, 2017 · 3 min · Scott Chamberlain