Recently I’ve had fun playing with the GitHub API, and here are some notes to self about this fun having.
Setup Get/load packages
install.packages(c('devtools','jsonlite','httr','yaml')) library("devtools") library("httr") library("yaml") Define a vector of package names pkgs <- c("alm", "bmc", "bold", "clifro", "ecoengine", "elastic", "fulltext", "geonames", "gistr", "RNeXML", "rnoaa", "rnpn", "traits", "rplos", "rsnps", "rWBclimate", "solr", "spocc", "taxize", "togeojson", "treeBASE") pkgs <- sort(pkgs) Define functions github_auth <- function(appname = getOption("gh_appname"), key = getOption("gh_id"), secret = getOption("gh_secret")) { if (is.null(getOption("gh_token"))) { myapp <- oauth_app(appname, key, secret) token <- oauth2.0_token(oauth_endpoints("github"), myapp) options(gh_token = token) } else { token <- getOption("gh_token") } return(token) } make_url <- function(x, y, z) { sprintf("", x, y, z) } process_result <- function(x) { stop_for_status(x) if (!x$headers$`content-type` == "application/json; charset=utf-8") stop("content type mismatch") tmp <- content(x, as = "text") jsonlite::fromJSON(tmp, flatten = TRUE) } parse_file <- function(x) { tmp <- gsub("\n\\s+", "\n", paste(vapply(strsplit(x, "\n")[[1]], RCurl::base64Decode, character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE), collapse = " ")) lines <- readLines(textConnection(tmp)) vapply(lines, gsub, character(1), pattern = "\\s", replacement = "", USE.NAMES = FALSE) } request <- function(owner = "ropensci", repo, file="DESCRIPTION", ...) { req <- GET(make_url(owner, repo, paste0("contents/", file)), config = c(token = github_auth(), ...)) if(req$status_code != 200) { NA } else { cts <- process_result(req)$content parse_file(cts) } } has_term <- function(what, ...) any(grepl(what, request(...))) has_file <- function(what, ...) if(all( = what, ...)))) FALSE else TRUE Do stuff Does a package depend on a particular package? e.g., look for httr in the DESCRIPTION file (which is the default file name in request() above)