oai - an OAI-PMH client

oai is a general purpose client to work with any ‘OAI-PMH’ service. The ‘OAI-PMH’ protocol is described at https://www.openarchives.org/OAI/openarchivesprotocol.html. The main functions follow the OAI-PMH verbs: GetRecord Identify ListIdentifiers ListMetadataFormats ListRecords ListSets The repo is at https://github.com/sckott/oai I will be using this in a number of packages I maintain that use OAI-PMH data services. If you try it, let me know what you think. This package is heading to rOpenSci soon: https://github.com/ropensci/onboarding/issues/19 Here’s a few usage examples: ...

September 11, 2015 · 3 min · Scott Chamberlain

fulltext - a package to help you mine text

Finally, we got fulltext up on CRAN - our first commit was May last year. fulltext is a package to facilitate text mining. It focuses on open access journals. This package makes it easier to search for articles, download those articles in full text if available, convert pdf format to plain text, and extract text chunks for vizualization/analysis. We are planning to add bits for analysis in future versions. We’ve been working on this package for a while now. It has a lot of moving parts and package dependencies, so it took a while to get a first useable version. ...

August 7, 2015 · 10 min · Scott Chamberlain