Altecology, a call to unconference action

Note: This post is cross-posted on Sandra Chung’s blog here. The rise of the unconference The Ecological Society of America meeting is holding its 98th annual meeting next year in Minneapolis, MN. Several thousand students and professionals in ecological science and education will gather to hear and read the latest work and ideas in ecology in the familiar poster and lecture formats that are the core of every major scientific conference. But a subset of these people will get a taste of something a little bit different: an unconference within the conference. ...

November 15, 2012 · 6 min · Scott Chamberlain

Thursday at #ESA11

Interesting talks/posters: Richard Lankau presented research on trade-offs and competitive ability. He suggests that during range expansion selection for increased intraspecific competitive ability in older populations leads to loss of traits for interspecific competitive traits due to trade-offs between these traits. Ellner emphatically states that rapid evolution DOES matter for ecological responses, and longer-term evolutionary patterns as well. [His paper on the talk he was giving came out prior to his talk, which he pointed out, good form sir] ...

August 12, 2011 · 2 min · Scott Chamberlain

Wednesday at #ESA11

Interesting talks/posters: Ethan White’s poster describing was of course awesome given my interest in getting data into the hands of ecologists over at Ethan also has software you can download on your machine to get the datasets you want easily - EcoData Retriever. [rOpenSci will try to take advantage of their work and allow you to call the retriever from R] Carl Boettiger’s talk was awesome. He explained how we need better tools to be able to predict collapses using early warning signals. He developed a way to estimate the statistical distribution of probabilities of system collapse. Jennifer Dunne: Explained how she put together an ancient network from Germany. Bravo. Carlos Melian explained his model of network buildup that starts from individuals, allows speciation, and other evolutionary processes. Rachel Winfree told us that in two sets of mutualistic plant-pollinator networks in New Jersey and California, that the least connected pollinator species were the most likely to be lost from the network with increasing agricultural intensity. Dan Cariveau suggests that pollination crop services can be stabilized even with increasing agriculture intensity if in fact pollinator species respond in different ways. That is, some pollinators may decrease in abundance with increasing ag intensity, while other species may increase - retaining overall pollination services to crops.

August 11, 2011 · 2 min · Scott Chamberlain

Monday at ESA11

Monday was a good day at ESA in Austin. There were a few topics I promised to report on in my blogging/tweeting. …focused on open source data. Carly Strasser’s presentation on guidelines for data management was awesome (including other talks in the symposium on Creating Effective Data Management Plans for Ecological Research). Although this was a good session, I can’t help but wish that they had hammered home the need for open science more. Oh well. Also, they talked a lot about how, and not a lot of why we should properly curate data. Still, a good session. One issue Carly and I talked about was tracking code in versioning systems such as Github. There doesn’t seem to be a culture of versioning code for analyses/simulations in ecology. But when we get there…it will be easier to share/track/collaborate on code. ...

August 8, 2011 · 2 min · Scott Chamberlain

Blogging/tweeting from ESA11

I will be blogging about the upcoming Ecological Society of America meeting in Austin, TX. I will focus on discussing talks/posters that: Have taken a cool approach to using data, or Have focused on open science/data, or Done something cool with R software, or Are just exciting in general I will also tweet throughout the meeting from @recology_ (yes the underscore is part of the name, recology was already taken). ...

July 31, 2011 · 1 min · Scott Chamberlain

Models in Evolutionary Ecology seminar, organized by Timothee Poisot

Here is one of the talks by Thomas Brouquet, and see the rest here. Thomas Broquet by mez_en_video

July 18, 2011 · 1 min · Scott Chamberlain

iEvoBio 2011 Synopsis

We just wrapped up the 2011 iEvoBio meeting. It was awesome! If you didn’t go this year or last year, definitely think about going next year. Here is a list of the cool projects that were discussed at the meeting (apologies if I left some out): Vistrails: workflow tool, awesome project by Claudio Silva Commplish: purpose is to use via API’s, not with the web UI Phylopic: a database of life-form silouhettes, including an API for remote access, sweet! Gloome MappingLife: awesome geographic/etc data visualization interace on the web SuiteSMA: visualizating multiple alignments treeBASE: R interface to treebase, by Carl Boettiger VertNet: database for vertebrate natural history collections RevBayes: revamp of MrBayes, with GUI, etc. Phenoscape Knowledge Base Peter Midford lightning talk: talked about matching taxonomic and genetic data BiSciCol: biological science collections tracker Ontogrator TNRS: taxonomic name resolution service Barcode of Life data systems, and remote access Moorea Biocode Project Microbial LTER’s data BirdVis: interactive bird data visualization (Claudio Silva in collaboration with Cornell Lab of Ornithology) Crowdlabs: I think the site is down right now, another project by Claudio Silva Phycas: Bayesian phylogenetics, can you just call this from R? RIP MrBayes!!!! replaced by RevBayes (see 9 above) Slides of presentations will be at Slideshare (not all presentations up yet) A birds of a feather group I was involved in proposed an idea (TOL-o-matic) like Phylomatic, but of broader scope, for easy access and submission of trees, and perhaps even social (think just pushing a ‘SHARE’ button within PAUP, RevBayes, or other phylogenetics software)! Synopses of Birds of a Feather discussion groups:

June 22, 2011 · 2 min · Scott Chamberlain