Logistic plot reboot
Someone asked about plotting something like this today I wrote a few functions previously to do something like this. However, since then ggplot2 has changed, and one of the functions no longer works. Hence, I fixed opts() to theme(), theme_blank() to element_blank(), and panel.background = element_blank() to plot.background = element_blank() to get the histograms to show up with the line plot and not cover it. The new functions: loghistplot <- function(data) { names(data) <- c('x','y') # rename columns # get min and max axis values min_x <- min(data$x) max_x <- max(data$x) min_y <- min(data$y) max_y <- max(data$y) # get bin numbers bin_no <- max(hist(data$x, plot = FALSE)$counts) + 5 # create plots a <- ggplot(data, aes(x = x, y = y)) + theme_bw(base_size=16) + geom_smooth(method = "glm", family = "binomial", se = TRUE, colour='black', size=1....