Vertnet - getting vertebrate museum record data and a quick map

We (rOpenSci) started a repo to wrap the API for VertNet, an open access online database of vertebrate specimen records across many collection holders. Find the open source code here - please contribute if you are so inclined. We had a great Google Summer of Code student, Vijay Barve contributing to the repo this summer, so it is getting close to being CRAN-able. Most of the functions in the repo get you the raw data, but there were no functions to visualize the data. Since much of the data records of latitude and longitude data, maps are a natural visualization to use. ...

September 19, 2012 · 2 min · Scott Chamberlain

Getting data from figures in published papers

The problem: There are a lot of figures in published papers in the scholarly literature, like the below, from (Attwood et. al. 2012)): At some point, a scientist wants to ask a question for which they can synthesize the knowledge on that question by collecting data from the published literature. This often requires something like the following workflow: Search for relevant papers (e.g., via Google Scholar). Collect the papers. Decide which are appropriate for inclusion. Collect data from the figures using software on a native application. Examples include GraphClick and ImageJ. Proof data. Analyze data & publish paper. This workflow needs revamping, particularly in step number 3 - collecting the data. This data remains private, moving from one closed source (original publication) to another (personal computer). We can surely do better. ...

September 18, 2012 · 5 min · Scott Chamberlain

Getting data on your government

I created an R package a while back to interact with some APIs that serve up data on what our elected represenatives are up to, including the New York Times Congress API, and the Sunlight Labs API. What kinds of things can you do with govdat? Here are a few examples. How do the two major parties differ in the use of certain words (searches the congressional record using the Sunlight Labs Capitol Words API)? ...

September 1, 2012 · 3 min · Scott Chamberlain

Hitting the Global Names Resolver API

Example of using the Global Names Resolver API to check species names There are a number of options for resolution of taxonomic names. The Taxonomic Name Resolution Service (TNRS) comes to mind. There is a new service for taxonomic name resoultion called the Global Names Resolver. They describe the service thusly “Resolve lists of scientific names against known sources. This service parses incoming names, executes exact or fuzzy matching as required, and displays a confidence score for each match along with its identifier.”. ...

July 20, 2012 · 2 min · Scott Chamberlain

My little presentation on getting web data through R

With examples from rOpenSci R packages. p.s. I am no expert at this... Web data from R View more presentations from schamber

October 28, 2011 · 1 min · Scott Chamberlain

@drewconway interview on @DataNoBorders at the Strata conference

The O’Reilly Media Strata Summit has many interviews on YouTube (just search YouTube for it)Drew Conway is the author of a R packages, including infochimps, an R wrapper to the Infochimps API service. The YouTube video:

September 22, 2011 · 1 min · Scott Chamberlain

rnpn: An R interface for the National Phenology Network

The team at rOpenSci and I have been working on a wrapper for the USA National Phenology Network API. The following is a demo of some of the current possibilities. We will have more functions down the road. Get the publicly available code, and contribute, at Github here. If you try this out look at the Description file for the required R packages to run rnpn. Let us know at Github (here) or at our website, or in the comments below, or on twitter (@rOpenSci), what use cases you would like to see with the rnpn package. ...

August 31, 2011 · 2 min · Scott Chamberlain

(#ESA11) rOpenSci: a collaborative effort to develop R-based tools for facilitating Open Science

Our development team would like to announce the launch of rOpenSci. As the title states, this project aims to create R packages to make open science more available to researchers. What this means is that we seek to connect researchers using R with as much open data as possible, mainly through APIs. There are a number of R packages that already do this (e.g., infochimps, twitteR), but we are making more packages, e.g., for Mendeley, PLoS Journals, and taxonomic sources (ITIS, EOL, TNRS, Phylomatic, UBio). ...

August 8, 2011 · 1 min · Scott Chamberlain

rbold: An R Interface for Bold Systems barcode repository

Have you ever wanted to search and fetch barcode data from Bold Systems? I am developing functions to interface with Bold from R. I just started, but hopefully folks will find it useful. The code is at Github here. The two functions are still very buggy, so please bring up issues below, or in the Issues area on Github. For example, some searches work and other similar searches don’t. Apologies in advance for the bugs. ...

June 28, 2011 · 1 min · Scott Chamberlain

PLoS journals API from R: "rplos"

The Public Libraries of Science (PLOS) has an API so that developers can create cool tools to access their data (including full text papers!!). Carl Boettiger at UC Davis and I are working on R functions that use the PLoS API. See our code on Github here. See the wiki at the Github page for examples of use. We hope to deploy rplos as a package someday soon. Please feel free to suggest changes/additions rplos in the comments below or on the Github/rplos site. ...

June 21, 2011 · 1 min · Scott Chamberlain