Visualize your Github stats (forks and watchers) in a browser with R!
So OpenCPU is pretty awesome. You can run R in a browser using URL calls with an alphanumeric code (e.g., x3e50ee0780) defining a stored function, and any arguments you pass to it. Go here to store a function. And you can output lots of different types of things: png, pdf, json, etc - see here. Here’s a function I created (originally from # Store a function with man lines # Go Here: # number: x3e50ee0780 # link:'ropensci'&type='org' the <- function (id = 'hadley', type = 'user') { require(RCurl); require(RJSONIO); require(ggplot2); require(reshape2); require(plyr) if(type == 'user'){ url = "" } else if(type == 'org'){ url = "" } else stop("parameter 'type' has to be either 'user' or 'org' ") url2 <- paste(url, id, "/repos?per_page=100", sep = "") xx <- getURL(url2) tt <- fromJSON(xx) if(!length(tt) == 1) { tt <- tt } else { stop("user or organization not found - search GitHub? -") } out <- ldply(tt, function(x) t(c(x$name, x$forks, x$watchers))) names(out) <- c("Repo", "Forks", "Watchers") out$Forks <- as.integer(out$Forks) out$Watchers <- as.integer(out$Watcher) out2 <- melt(out, id = 1) out2$value <- as.numeric(out2$value) out2$Repo <- as.factor(out2$Repo) repoorder <- unique(out2[order(out2$value, decreasing=FALSE),][,1]) out2$Repo <- factor(out2$Repo, levels = repoorder) ggplot(out2, aes(Repo, value)) + geom_bar() + coord_flip() + facet_wrap(~variable) + theme_bw(base_size = 18) } the() # default for hadley the(id='defunkt', type='user') # works - a user with even more repos than Hadley the(id='ropensci', type='org') # works - organization example the(id='jeroenooms', type='user') # works - organization example the(id='SChamberlain', type='org') # error message - mismatch of username with org type the(id='adsff', type='user') # error message - name does not exist It makes a ggplot2 graphic of your watchers and forks on each repo (up to 100 repos), sorted by descending number of forks/watchers. ...